We are Data Miners, and we try to create a more Intelligent world.
The Data Mining and Analytics research group is with the School of Science and Technology, International Hellenic University.

Our Focus

Including Association Rule Mining, Decision tree classification (T3, T3C) and Clustering

Social media analytics, Sports analytics, loss science

Including Healthcare, Software Quality, Recommendation Systems, Smart Cities and Law
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Our Latest News
IHU Students’ Success Stories
Congratulations to our students Alexia Avramidou and Dimitris Kasseropoulos, MSc in Data Science, whose research papers were accepted by the 17th...
Our paper published in the special issue of “Control and Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems”
Glad to share our interesting paper published in the special issue "Control and Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems" "A Tri-Layer Optimization...
IHU Students’ Success Stories
Congratulations to Paraskevas Koukaras, IHU MSc in ICT Systems graduate and PhD Candidate, supervised by Assoc. Prof. C. Tjortjis at the...
Release of our article in the July’s Smart Cities eNewsletter
We are pleased to have our article on "Predicting Covid-19 ICU Needs Using Deep Learning, XGBoost and Random Forest Regression with the Sliding...
Success of a member of our Data Mining and Analytics research group
Really pleased with the success of a member of our Data Mining and Analytics research group. PhD candidate Anestis Kousis had our paper on “Data...
IHU Students’ Success Stories
Congratulations to our student Christina Nousi, MSc in Data Science, whose research paper was accepted by the 6th South-East Europe Design...